

Attendance is typically recorded morning and afternoon for daytime students and at the start of the session for evening students. The students sign their names to indicate their presence and the Trainers record the amount of minutes absent/late per session

Absence From Class

William Angliss Institute takes a serious view of students' absences. Students who do not meet the minimum required attendance standards set may affect their course of studies such as not eligible to sit for the examinations.

Students must ensure that they register their attendance punctually for every lesson attended. Any catch up lessons required due or unauthorised or authorised absence is likely to incur additional fees as outlined in the Standard Student Contract.

Willian Angliss Institute only accepts medical certificates and approved Student Leave Application Forms as proof for absenteeism.

Attendance Monitoring

Students' attendance is monitored regularly by The Institute. Students will receive emails from the Student Services Department when their attendance falls close to below the 75% (local students) or 90% (international full-time students) requirement.

Students with persistent low attendance will be called in for counselling. For international full-time students on student's pass with attendance below 90% will be reported to the ICA (International Customs Authority) monthly and this in turn will have an impact on the Student visa.